Welcome To Minnesota Maniacs

We hope you will enjoy viewing our family and our life. We are just a regular family who loves each other and enjoys our time together.

Holidays are the best when you have a FUN Family like ours.

Our dogs are a big part of our life also. You will get to know each of them very well.

We have GREAT Friends. We cherish them very much.

Life is precious. Live every day as if it were your last.....

Monday, May 19, 2008

Good Day Everyone

The Weekend was Great. I started a new job. I am a Home Health Aide at an assisted living facility. I am very excited to be doing this kind of work again. I love working with the elderly, children and animals. I will be working all shifts, which will be a nice change of pace.

I got a phone call from My Girlie today. That was a nice surprise. I am so proud of her. She has become such a magnificent young woman.
She has Emmy's puppy, Romeo. I can't wait to see him again. She says she has bought him all kinds of toys and things. She even has a Camo Hoodie and a Rain Jacket for him. She takes him with her every where she goes. I am glad he has a new Mommy that loves him so much.

Brat is also expecting puppies about the 20th of June. That will be exciting. I love watching them grow. We are considering letting Emmy try again in June. She only had 1 little boy last time.

Wishing you all well
Will post again soon

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another Beautiful Day In Northern Minnesota

Good Morning All

Today is beautiful here. I have already walked to my Dr appointment and back, to the drug store and home again. A very nice walk. We will have to take our girls out for a walk again today. They loved it yesterday. We took them to the park and let them run and play for an hour. They got home and took a nap.......ALL 3 at the same time.......That never happens

Sunday, April 27, 2008

OUR Boys 22nd Birthday

It seems like only yesterday I was huge. We were expecting our 1st child. After 3 days of labor with no progress we had a C-section at 3pm and Welcomed a Gorgeous Baby Boy into the World....
He was supposed to be Matthew Michael when I went into surgery..
When I came out I was told we Have an Adam Emery Roger.....
He was beautiful
He has grown into a wonderful young man.....
We are so very proud of him and PROUD to Be His Parents
Happy Birthday Adam
We Love YOU

April Showers Bring May Flowers.......not in Minnesota

Here in Minnesota we are buried in snow again......I have posted some pics of our Snow storm from April 25-26 2008.
Winter just does not want to give in this year I guess...
Don't you wish you lived here?????
I wouldn't trade it for the world, who else can go skiing after easter HA, HA

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just another day

I will soon be able to see well again. I will be getting new glasses within the week.....yeah!
I had a great day today. I got to take my 2 favorite kids to town....
It was fun.....
I got a haircut today too..Now I don't feel quite so baggy
Gotta go eat dinner

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gorgeous day here in Northern Minnesota

Today is a perfect spring day. The sun is shining, warm and bright. We have have a nice breeze.
The perfect kind of day to enjoy the outdoors.

We went to Fargo today for Rog's 6 week check up after back surgery. He is doing well, still hurting, but the Doc says that is normal.
He can finally take off the corset unless he wants to use it. He is able to start doing more now and will be starting physical therapy. He is excited to get the ok to start using the swimming pool.

finally home now it is time to relax and enjoy the evening.

Favorite Books and Authors

  • Silloette Nascar Series
  • VC Andrews
  • Danielle Steele
  • Nora Roberts
  • Fern Michaels